Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Year in Pictures & Poetry

I'm always happy to find a new blog or website that interests me & adds to my 'art encouragement' on a simple, but ongoing basis. Here are two recent 'finds':

Check this one out for the visual. (incidentally: I've been hearing about the Cyrus picture hub-bub for awhile now but this was the first time to see the pictures. I like his comments...) I really liked the architectural picture series...great use of light & shadows. (...and the subway pix were just fun, old & new)

Check this one out for the literary inspiration.

Gonna add both to my list of links for future use. Any other recommendations from you cyber travelers?


Julie in PA said...

A must see.


Julie in PA said...

so why don't you call? did you get the smaller package after c'mas?the go Girl Cards?