Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Guild Challenge

A Challenge: participants are given some type of rules or parameters to follow and often are given a common fabric or (fabrics) that must be included in the finished product (commonly a wall hanging). Some rules are very restrictive or prescriptive, some less so. Always has a deadline.
Rationale: 'challenge' yourself--can you do this? Some (usually congenial) competition involved. Fun group project.
Current Challenge in progress: our guild is having our every-other-year one day quilt show in August--it's a very fun community event, with no judge/jury involved. Last time, it was suggested having a challenge prior to the show, and results could be included. So, this spring the rules of engagement arrived: use some recognizable portion of this fabric (above) in a wall hanging not to exceed 100 inches circumference, the theme to be portrayed: Whidbey Bird Houses, due at the July meeting.
Oh great! Now hopefully you know me well enough to know that two problems immediately sprang up, with a third to follow: although I love the colors, this is NOT fabric I would ever pull off the shelf; the topic gave no instant (or delayed, for that matter) visual images for me--not in my 'usual lineup' (thus it's a challenge!); but I wanted to support the challenge idea so I felt compelled to to come up with something...
Time is running out--here's what I ended up doing. A little embellishment left to do--and a title ('Avian Acres'?, ideas welcomed)--it's about 23 x 23.


J. said...

Just curious, but why every other year? Does it usually take members more than a year to complete projects due to the large size?

Judith said...

yeah, it doesn't seem like it would be that bigga deal to do a quilt show does it?! Somehow, though, it's alot of planning, put-up, take-down--aside from the issue you note: getting things done that seem 'showable'. In any case--we're not quite to an annual event; it's an indoor/outdoor show at the Greenbank Farm (maybe so we can drink wine while we exhibit?!)

J. said...

Pretty amazing pieces, Judy. Truly. I wish I knew something about art and ducks.

"Mallards at rest"?

"Teals in repose"?