Sunday, February 7, 2010

Someone's In the Kitchen...

OK, so I'm just gonna go with this food roll I'm on.
Not sure what that's all about--except it helps with the years of guilt stored up while Jim cheerfully cooked most meals--and I obviously have the gift of a little more time just now. We both have a tendency--especially now with usually just the two of us--to go towards to 'same-old-simple' when we don't plan ahead. You know (I know you do!): tortillas/quesadillas, popcorn, etc. I'm not eating more (or wanting to), just wanting to enjoy when we do eat.

So I'm trying to get more creative, learn some new recipes (hopfully many of them on the healthy side), not waste food on-hand--oh, and did I say, have some fun with it? The internet definitely puts the fun into food & recipes exploration--can waste a chunk of time there if one isn't careful. I tend to easy prep, healthy, ethnic, etc. True baking--especially sweets, deserts are usually reserved for special occasions, visitors, etc.

So what are your favorite places to go hunting?
Here are some of my favorite locations--or new found surprises that I'm sure will become favorites:
101 Cookbooks (mentioned previously)
Epicurious (which has a linked blog, too)

I'm always open to new suggestions & adventures--so if you have any tips or locations to share, bring 'em on! Bon appetite!


J. said...

Have you read "The Okinawa Plan." It has a lot of simple prep recipes in the last third of the book you might like. The first two thirds is a pretty amazing study of how their lifestyle gives them the highest percentage of people over 100 in the world--and then how they drop back down to our mortality rates when they move here and eat our processed food.

J. said...

actually it's called "The Okinawa Program : How the World's Longest-Lived People Achieve Everlasting Health--And How You Can Too (Paperback")

Judith said...

Thanks Joe! I'll request the book from the library & check it out--good lead.
I just read an article that said if you cook at home & use primarily fresh foods (or watch what's in the cans) & don't use pre-prepared foods you reduce your sodium intake by over 70%. I knew it makes a difference but that number did surprise me!