Thursday, September 18, 2008

Vacation Countdown

Can you say stressed?! Right about now, one asks is a week of vacation worth the pre & post craze?!
In any case, Jim & I are off for our California adventure bright & early Saturday morning. It will take us most of the day to catch the shuttle out of Coupeville, board the plane to LA, catch the train to Santa Barbara & hop some sort of vehicle to the final destination at the retreat center! And then it's five days of fun with paper, ink, paint, sea animals, leaves, fabric, etc. Four full days of class time--so between us there are eight workshops we're attending. There are some happy hours, museum events, & presentations by various folks included--like the Japanese papermaker & his wares. It promises to be a great (if not humbling!) experience.
Where is this, you ask? The annual Nature Printing Society workshop. It ends on Friday morning & we'll see a few more sites before coming home late Saturday night. Will share some of our adventures on our return--wish us well! (and hope I get all the things finished before departure!)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hats Off Towards Switzerland

Today was the big day--and it was over in milliseconds!
The Large Hadron Collider had it's official start up test run today deemed successful by all.
For more info, check it out. Or just check in with Devin--a physics fan following closely... 8-)