Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday on Whidbey

Some tall ships came to town earlier this month for the festival.  
Don't they look grand?
Isn't it amazing I have this view off my back deck?!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday on Whidbey

Oops--a day late to just say:  please stand by...will be back in a flash!
Taking a fun-filled break in Pennsylvania--with just the right amount of intrigue & drama:  overnight delay in the Philly airport due to lightening storms (why is it that you can land but not take off?), watching Irene make her way north, & the most notable earthquake in over 70 years.  Meanwhile there are great tourista activities with the best host / tour guide available! (thanks Julie!)
Once we're back in the northwest, I'll share the fab vacation ( that like making you watch travel slides?!)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wednesday on Whidbey

When the sun is here, Kennedy Lagoon is about the best...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Today's the Day

All bet's are off--but here we go!! 
Let's see how long it takes to get the votes counted tonight.  I'm holding Wisconsin in my heart today, and hoping that today begins the big 'push back' on Scott Walker, Citizens United, the Koch brothers with Americans for Prosperity & incredible dollars being poured into the battle (some projections are in the $40M range & upwards...). This is a test of CU's & AFP's ability to buy the ballot (too bad the war chests won't be exhausted after today!). Look out, Ms. Darling & co... and may the force be with you, Wisconsin!
Meanwhile, the process to sack Scott Walker can't start until January 2012, but the momentum is well under way--hopefully today will help.

Friday, August 5, 2011


In Memoriam
February 2,1998 - August 4, 2011

a puppy to the end--thanks, sweet girl!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wednesday on Whidbey

The container ship heading out to sea via the Straits of San de Fuca 
Sunset over the Olympics & the San Juans as the ferry pulls into Keystone

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It's a Family Thing...

This last weekend was the annual family gathering at my cousin's in Pt. Ludlow. We were only able to go on Sunday, and despite a very misty, foggy morning, it finally blew clear in the afternoon.  Much food, fun, gab, hugs & howls! Always time out for the family photos--at least those that are there at that moment.  It's kind of a moving target, as the arrivals & departures go on for days. Karen & daughter Lindsey arrived from Florida early with sweet little Jack--the newest member of the clan at 7 months.
Polly, the matriarch, with the cousins,

the cousins' kids,

the cousins' grand-kids (the point & shoot is very brief for this set!),

...and, of course, the folks who have chosen to be part of this zany crowd!
Kathy is so incredible to host the event--so much work! But we all reap such precious benefit from those hours together--reminiscing & story-telling while making new memories all the while. Doesn't get much better: wonderful water view, renewing close ties & getting the endorphin levels up!