Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Today's the Day

All bet's are off--but here we go!! 
Let's see how long it takes to get the votes counted tonight.  I'm holding Wisconsin in my heart today, and hoping that today begins the big 'push back' on Scott Walker, Citizens United, the Koch brothers with Americans for Prosperity & incredible dollars being poured into the battle (some projections are in the $40M range & upwards...). This is a test of CU's & AFP's ability to buy the ballot (too bad the war chests won't be exhausted after today!). Look out, Ms. Darling & co... and may the force be with you, Wisconsin!
Meanwhile, the process to sack Scott Walker can't start until January 2012, but the momentum is well under way--hopefully today will help.

1 comment:

lost in wisconsin said...

and the winner is?
oh my....