Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday on Whidbey

Drat! Missed again! 
Only one more week to go with this Tues/Wed blitz at school so should be able to return to more predictable Wednesday posts. No need to adjust your sets...

Wednesday on Whidbey on a Leap Year! In honor of the 'only every four years' phenomenon, I thought it would be fun to look back at posts from four years ago & what was cookin'. A little nostalgia tour.

Made me smile: there was a post about my two quilting 'helpers' snug in their respective nap positions. I miss them alot, & it makes me happy to see them...

I was also bound for my semi-annual retreat at Warm Beach--and this time of year is the height of the Snow Goose season. Although we now go on retreat at the end of March, it's timely to pay tribute to the geese. I've had many trips to Skagit County lately with my faculty hat on--and there they are; in small groups & large flocks.
So wonderful to see!
I think we should make Leap Year days national holidays--a free day! No work, no chores--a 'do what you want day'! Whadya think?!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday on Whidbey

spring must be near--the pussy willows have come & are going,
giving their last yellow salute of fuzzers

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wednesday on Whidbey

oops--missed again!! 
These all-day Tues-Wed classes are cramping my W on W plans! 
Unexpected afternoon winter sun--spotlighting my
Stella Canfield painting in my studio

Friday, February 10, 2012

Learn vs.Teach

The next installment...
We last checked into academia prior to the start of fall quarter. The break was nice...and we launched right into a new academic year mid-September.
Fifty fresh, new faces rolled into the full-time PN class, and--quite remarkably--49 finished the quarter. Woo-hoo! They are a special group, I think. I really enjoyed watching them dive in & had the privilege of several classes & many campus labs with them. Was all set to start this (winter) quarter with them as they start clinicals in the 'real world' but priorities shifted just before the holidays. The grant fairy flew in with funds for an additional class of LPN-to-RN students--if we launched them in winter quarter. Well, all right!!
So this quarter has been a true yin & yang experience: the part-time RN students are now in their final quarter & doing their preceptorships. It's both exciting & nerve-racking for them--but they're doing well. This group will always hold a special place in my heart, as we started together & have  now traveled six quarters--learning lots on the journey.
Meanwhile, mid-quarter, a fresh group of twenty part-timers arrived on the scene--so we're off & running. With a little of the deer-in-the-headlights phenomenon we're immersed in 'transitions': up to our brain cells with nursing foundations and up to our elbows in refreshing skills in the lab. At the end of this intensive six weeks, they start nursing classes in earnest & begin acute care clinicals. Having both the first & last quarter students overlapping this quarter makes me appreciate how much they grow in such a brief period of time.
I'm almost half way through the tenure process--isn't that amazing?! Tritely stated: time truly does fly when you're having fun! We have a new president arriving on the scene next month, but change is good, right?  Meanwhile the legislature continues to slug it out over a workable budget. I heard a piece on the radio the other day that if the proposed budget goes through, state support for higher education will have decreased by almost 50% since the bottom fell out of the economy. I had to listen to it again to be sure of what I'd heard...  May the force be with us all.
I'm still here, though, enjoying every minute while it lasts!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wednesday on Whidbey

...oops! Wednesday just scooted right by!  Sorry...
we had a stretch of lovely clear days
the Cascades across Penn Cove

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Phil's Day!

Following the prognostication of Punxsutawney Phil seems like a welcome break from the Newt & Mitt wars.
So at 7:20 EST focus on Gobbler's Knob with the simple, serious question:  more winter or not? Yes? Okay!  
Let's par-tay!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday on Whidbey

The 'snow event' is just a memory at this point, but thought I would share the five day saga of my quail on the back deck...