Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Early Resolution

A month since my last post--a MONTH! One way to ensure a fading following--do nothing, right?

A memorable month sans post:
a(nother) birthday, an anniversary (24 & counting), a demotion in the workplace (not to be confused with a demolition still in progress--offering 'end-of-life care' to exiting positions/people & crisis intervention upon request or as witnessed), a great Thanksgiving, Cassie's first groomer visit, some of the coldest weather for this little island paradise, and not enough daily discipline on my part to keep all of the balls in the air at once.

I'm taking lessons from many bloggers extroidinaire--but most especially Joe: wow! Every day & such a treat to read. We could all do as well...
So--I begin again. As the month of 'lasts' continues (many 'last' meetings, last hand-offs, last of the year, etc.), I'm commited to not just starting--but continuing, finishing, sticking with it. Small bites. So here's to some 'firsts'--and some 'stills' as life continues on.

Congratulations due to all of the end-of-term folks--you hung in there! Great job!! (Loud applause with hats off!) Take a bow: Joe, Devin, Nick, Zack, Ted--Mike & Lynn, too! Let the holiday breaks begin!


Zach said...

Thank you! You as well. I'm looking forward to seeing you when I get back! I'm really excited to move in with Devin. That's going to be incredible!

Happy holidays to you and the rest!

J. said...

Much thanks, Judy. I hope you guys are dealing with the weather okay. We got dumped on last night.