Thursday, April 3, 2008

March marched on!

Wow, what happened to March?!
One minute it was coming in like a lion--and it went out the same way! Lots of days of snow on Whidbey at the end of the month--go figure!

St. Pat's flew by with some corned beef delights, got to have a few days with Devin for spring break--and before you knew it, it's April Fools!

Got a couple of visits to the new, improved Oystercatcher during the month. What a treat that is! Menu is a little more adventuresome, the larger atmosphere is so pleasant, and they serve Czech pilsner now! Same great service and good times...come to Coupeville: we'll take you there!

Ended the month with a special treat: went to a great concert with good friends in lovely downtown Coupeville. Three hours of incredible music, the see-to-believe kind, and much fun. Carlos Del Junco and friends. Amazing harmonica plus great guitar & bass. They're from Toronto & do two tours in the states a year--and Coupeville gets to be on their list! Henry, the very happy & funny bass player, has a daughter in Brno, CR. It is a small world sometimes... (got her name, Nick; we're thinkin' that should be a mystery adventure--see if you can find her!) Anyway, if you're interested, check him out--and most definitely see him if you ever have the chance (there's a video on the link).
Will add a post soon with my March UFO. Can definitely say: not enough quilting or sun for the month. April looks to be an improvement in both categories!


J. said...

Looks very cool. I just can't get the audio to work on the link.

Judith said...

Uh, oh--Joe! You're right! It worked fine on my laptop--but not on the 'usual' PC! I tried a search with his name on u-tube & got a couple of good clips, too--that would be fine alternatives (one has interview w/him too). Sorry 'bout that!

Julie in PA said...

have you read the bookis promoting The Good Earth?
It might be a priority over The Secret.

J. said...

Hey Judy, just a note to say that my blog will be down for few days. It'll say "invited guests only" or something, but it's actually just out of commission until the weekend.