Friday, December 24, 2010

What a Great Week!

You know how some weeks are just sort of ho-hum? Not a problem, and maybe some enjoyable things but not particularly noteworthy? Well this week would not be one of those! Holy Happenings, Batman!

We got to the Winter Solstice--not ever a small feat in my mind. From this point forward the days will start stretching out--ever so slowly--from the whopping big 8 hours daylight we currently experience.  Thank you, Mother Nature, for only slumbering this long before you start to waken.
To highlight the solstice we had a lovely full moon!  And then:  a full lunar eclipse!  Wow!  Those three factors will not coincide again in my lifetime (sometime after 2060).
 A small but mighty group of us bundled up & went to the high hill at the cemetery to watch the moon finally vanish from sight (and each other shivering in the windy rain!). Alas, we didn't await the moon's return appearance as the rainy, cloudy sky allowed only snatches of viewing.  But good for us: we got there for the 2010 celestial event & pondered all those great questions that arise when you have a ring-side seat at one of the greatest shows available!

If that wasn't enough, my brother had a birthday and retired on the same day! Way to go, Will!! Woo-hoo!
All of this plus a banner week for the 111th congress (but that deserves a post of it's own..!).  Before the week is over, Christmas will also arrive--complete with food, family & fun together time! Both boys will be home by Christmas eve. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Clause--and he came early this year!

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