Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Is The Fat Lady Singing?

Wow...looking at the (incomplete) returns from the 'Potomic primary' today, and seems like this really might be it. Not even Valentine's Day & the frenzy is pretty much behind us. I'm having a bit of a hard time believing it...but I guess I can live with it. There will be plenty of time to debrief & analyze all of it, but for now--I still want to take a little time & do the 'wow--how did that happen, exactly?'

congratulations to Devin--a delegate to the County Caucus in April (elected at the Caucus on Saturday...).
Pats on the back to Nick for rejoining us with much welcomed pictures today (go, Nick!) Zack, welcome home soon!
And here's to hoping that all of the infirm workers of the world heal & return to their rightful location!

In case you've missed some of the recent blogs highlighted, check these three silly ones out: http://photowebs.blogspot.com/ (not sure why the too cutesy kid/dogs are there today--but I've really enjoyed their previous topics...)
http://foundinpockets.blogspot.com/ (not even sure why I like it...maybe from years of doing laundry?)
http://wichone.blogspot.com/ (in honor of Joe & Tom; took me a little while to figure out the site--then they made it easy once they became 'famous' and posted an explanation!)

(and PS on an unrelated topic--the fat lady was signing at the Grammy's the other night; now I LOVE Aretha, but come on: not the best apprearance in a gold strapless gown...!)

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