Sorry for the 6 week break; suffice it to say, it was a challenging month, so I'm gonna do all of my whining in one post you can skip:
Got one of those 'organizational initiatives' notices on June 3rd--you may or may not know the experience: it's essentially a loaded 38 in an envelope--"complete by July 1 'or else'...". After being one of many staring down the gun barrels as the month-end started looming and then actually MAKING the deadline (only to receive one of those 'atta boy' certificates thanking know, the kind you want to rip up into tiny pieces before hitting the recycle box) one ponders if the stated consequences (they always vary...but in the same vein...) are really THAT bad. OK, past that bad karma!!
Got my first official thanks-but-no-thanks letter in response to the APNQ show in August. Well I think it might be my first--could be my LAST. Hard to imagine I'll have another piece in the near-term that I think might have a chance. When the envelope arrives, you just want more coming out besides the polite form letter; the check-list with the 'why' would be good, but it's just not there. Saw a collage series recently & one of the pieces was made of all the artist's rejection letters from juried shows. It struck me that her perseverance obviously paid off (as this was a magazine article about her work) and also that she had many (not just one)...
Summer still had not arrived by the solstice, although there had been a few brief sun breaks. The first summer I went through in Puget Sound (27 yrs ago) was much like this one although this one is worse (at least by the record books saying we're breaking 100 yr records regularly); at least now I know that not ALL summers are like this--but it's still remarkable how much it affects me. Even though everything is lush/green, albiet remarkably late, I get that stifling feeling of 'what if I have to go another whole YEAR to have some semblance of summer'. Hard to explain to most Puget Sounders--except those who know the loss of changing seasons and MISS it (many don't!).
Tim Russert passed away--and leaves such a void.
Hillary is officially 'out of the scene' and already the new month begins with the mis-quotes, overstatements, arm-chair-quarterbacking, and hand-wringing of 'we might not be able to beat him': so let the games begin...I don't know if I have the stamina to get through the next 5 months. I don't know if I have the patience for a country that might not be able to stay focused on $720 million being spent EVERY DAY on this war and then go 'what the hell' when the economy truly beings to hit their pocket book.
I watched Face the Nation last week and witnessed Wesley Clark and Bob Schieffer--and have since witnessed the public lynching for comments that were not even made (frankly Bob was over the line--unlike him). I thought Clark was respectful and truthful; more people need to be able to say 'the king has no clothes'; for 8 yrs we've been unsuccessful in doing that for our current court jester...
OK--end of summer whine; on to the cups half-full post shortly!!