Saturday, July 5, 2008

Art Quilt Workbook - Next Installment

One reason I make myself continue posting (even though I will never be in Joe's league!) is that I SO enjoy other's info and experience.--and it's a great way to make new connections, learn new things. I totally underestimated that opportunity when I started blogging, but that's the part I think I like the best.
Here's an example: you remember this year's project that my round robin group is endeavoring to complete: the Art Quilt Workbook? When I did my first post about it, I got a comment back from Jane Davila, one of the co-authors. Made me gulp a little, to say the least--but the great thing was then getting to check out her blog--and all the sites she has noted (I could spend days snooping & reading, but time allows only a little at a time!).

Anyway--one of the sites I ended up in was the Nature Printing Society--quite cool. I was taken with their annual workshop which rotates east/west and this year is in Santa Barbara--also quite cool. I was yakking about what I found--and Jim thought the workshop looked good too; might have some applications to his wood turning. So--long story short: we're going to Santa Barbara (to a retreat center that Lynn is familiar with and recommends--how crazy is that?!) at the end of September for adventures in printing techniques & some California fun (if it doesn't all burn up before then....). So, thanks, Jane!

But I digress: the next task of the workbook dealt with Inspiration From Images. ("What I wish to show when I paint is the way I see things with my eyes and my heart"--Raoul Dufy) Don't we all wish that?!--it's the translation that kills you every time...

I've not been the biggest fan of representational art or using photo images in textiles--although there are some very great exceptions. I think when the 'art' moved to the 'craft' mode in quilting, it just seemed so rote; I didn't find it inspiring OR original. The great thing about this chapter, though, is recognizing the potential and learning/engaging with the techniques for image use; I'm always long on ideas and short on techniques. I'm behind in completing all the homework, but one of the exercises was to work with a pattern of a pear that was provided (and it was fun to see how many different variations on THE pear came back to the meeting!). So, here's mine. Meanwhile I'm working on the 'image as inspiration' in my series for homework. It's gonna have to wait a little as there are so many July deadlines--but more about that next.

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