Monday, July 7, 2008

Adventures in Painting

Really enjoyed a long, holiday weekend at home. It was interspersed with a very sick dog for a couple of days (she's fine now) and some tremendous lightning storms that went on for a few days (very unlike Puget Sound).

It seemed like a good time to jump in on a 'on my list to try' project: fabric painting. I didn't get a picture of the mess I made for a couple of days, but it was QUITE fun--and I'm sure I'll do more in the next couple of months. It was primarily an exploration mission--and for a first try, I was pleased. Ended up with 9 pieces--here's some before they got cut up.

Part of what spurred me on was completing my 'Christmas in July' gift exchange item for my round robin group. At the last minute, the person I was 'assigned' changed--so the original idea I had no longer made sense with the new 'giftee' in mind. I decided to do reversable placemats & a table runner, using some of the newly painted fabric (somehow it's like doing 'new recipe night' when you have company--seems a bit risky with not alot of track record; but so be it!) The 'other side' is a lovely, rich piece of fabric that I've been reluctant to cut into--this seemed like a great time to go for it.

So here's what I'll be taking for our fun potluck, gift exchange. Hope she likes it! (you can click on the picture of the placemats to take a closer look (if you're amind to!)

1 comment:

Amy said...

Very pretty!