Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Women's Equality Day 2008

Have to admit it...I didn't get a lot of Olympics time in, but I'm getting my daily dose from Denver 2008.

August 26th of each year is designated as Women's Equality Day. Instituted by Rep. Bella Abzug (one of my heroes) and first established in 1971, the day commemorates the passage of the 19th Constitutional Amendment, which gave U.S. women full voting rights in 1920. We should all be humbled by the event which is just 88 years ago--and we have miles to go before we sleep.

How fitting that two of my favorite women are most certainly at the top of the news review for this 48 hours: Michelle Obama & Hillary Clinton! I was really uplifted by Michelle's opening Monday night--felt like she nailed it. ("..make the choice out of hope, not fear") And what a contrast she is to the "Stepford Wife" that we will be seeing next week at the 'other' convention.

It would truly be a treat to have two very engaged, intelligent voices in the house of white, and the energy of a young family. Looking forward to Hillary's time tonight--am hopeful that she can continue to heal the wounds & move us to a much needed united front.

It was also wonderful to see Ted Kennedy for what must surely have been his last hurrah. He will be a part of the mosaic even to the end.

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