Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Just Do It!

Today's the day...
or as is the case in our state, today's the last day!
Any Washington state resident will confirm what we see on the news daily:  we are a battleground state--at least for the Senate.  The number of commercials, and especially the automated phone calls has been staggering--and tiring.  Most folks confess to not answering the phone now, & one innovative soul said that a market as yet untapped is the 'chip' you could receive after your mail-in ballot has arrived at the ballot box. The chip could plug into your phone, causing all phone calls to cease as it's now too late!  I like her thinking...
Per a sound byte I heard on the radio Sunday, over $19 million has been spent on the Murray/Rossi race this year--hands down a new state record.  How many flagging schools (or flagging whatever!) could benefit from money like that? The influence of the 501(c)(4)'s, newly on steroids now that the Supreme Court let them off lead, has been so apparent--both in the run for Capital Hill takeover, and in our many (too many!) statewide initiatives.  We'll see how it all settles out.  The situation pretty much defies prediction--although it's been great to continue following Nate Silver & others as they do a yeoman's job in trying.
May the force be with us all...

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