Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Snow Daze

Can't remember ever getting a 'snow day' in the work setting--until now! Usually snow notches up the work stress:  who can make it in, how to cover necessary work assignments, prioritizing patient needs, etc. In the school setting, snowstorm arrives and school closes!

This storm was brewing for a couple of days but hit in earnest Monday mid-morning--snowed most of the rest of the day. These pics were taken yesterday--today it's bright, clear & cold! It's astonishingly cold for these parts: in the teens with wind chill lower. So far (knock on wood) the wind is biting but not causing power outages. It's been the season opener wake-up-call (this time with a two by four over the beam!), catching many travelers unprepared. Fender benders abound.
Looks to be an early start to the Thanksgiving holiday as the forecast predicts sub-freezing temps through Wednesday late in the day, so students are happy in Puget Sound! (Teachers, too!)
Bundle up, stay cozy & enjoy the beauty!

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