Monday, July 18, 2011

Round Robin Update - the wayward block returns

You may (or may not!) remember my block that started the rotation for the most recent Round Robin exchange.  Fairly unassuming 8" little fella that left me long ago & had very few 'rules' attached to it.
The primary one: not to be wider than a certain measurement, as I wanted to be able to use it as a hanging in various areas of choice wall real estate. So compared to many that were included in this project mine remained much smaller--and looks the least 'finished' of any in the bunch (currently it's about 27" x 33").

The little traveler just returned home to me last weekend--so we're just getting reacquainted after about 15 months on the road. I'm thrilled! My ten team mates really pulled the stops & let their imagination go--I love that part! There are many embellishments, along with paper-piecing additions, three dimensional items, & Seminole piecing. It has so much potential--so many options--for completion. I can hardly wait! (but I'll have to for a little while at get some other items finished & the quarter complete!)

You can click on the 'Round Robin' label at the bottom of the post to see the rest of the projects in this round--at least at the state they were in when I touched them!  Everyone seems quite content with their projects when they returned--although many were shaking their heads at mine, wondering "now what will you do?!". I think it's an honor that they broke out of the box on my behalf--regardless of how uncomfortable they may have been! Stay tuned for 'the rest of the story' later in the year...


heartshaped or not said...

i see 3 stairstep squares at the right base. are these part of the piece, which looks like a heart except for those 3 stair steps?
or is this a runner and it's bunched up for the camera? please reveal!

Judith said...

At this point, the only finished edge is section with the Prairie Points (or aptly put: the stair steps!). The remainder are all raw edges, awaiting the next step(s). So, no, not bunched up--it's lying flat for the photo. I know: it looks odd now, but just wait... 8-)