Thursday, September 1, 2011

Learn vs.Teach

Realized I haven't given a school update in some time, so here goes. When we last left our protagonist, things were looking rather grim--budget cuts, reductions in force, rescinding tenure... what a difference a few months can make!
Turns out the budget projections were somewhat overstated & hoping for the best while preparing for the worst paid off.  By the end of the academic year, I was reinstated full time with tenure restored--so the supplemental job hunt didn't need to happen. (That was a relief!) And in case it's not clear: I'm definitely doing the Snoopy happy dance! I truly enjoy this job & after a full academic cycle, feel like I'm getting the hang of it!
the full-time LPN group:  happy, relieved campers!
Summer quarter (not optional--it's required) was shortened due to the budget crunch, although content was not--nor the required clinical hours for students. Suffice it to say:  it was a wild ride!
Summer is the final quarter for the two full-time cohorts, so I bid a fond adieu to my first students; a definite growing experience for all of us!
the full-time RN group--minus 4 that couldn't hang around for photos!
They've now launched into the 'real' world--awaiting exams to become licensed professionals in search of jobs.  Not the best of economic times to venture forth--but they'll do okay; many will thrive! I will hold them in my heart & my thoughts as this part of the journey ends and the next is just beginning. I wish a solid, caring mentor for each of them in their new work world. I know it made all the difference for me....
The part-timers still face two more quarters--and sadly I had to say goodbye to three students at the end of summer due to grades. *sigh* The survivors are a mighty force, though, and we head off-island for clinicals in the fall. For now there is a brief time out; three weeks off to recharge, regroup, and get ready...
Sleeping in will be involved!


bubble head said...

i thought of something after the call. i used jim's BUBBLE maker at the Mummers the night you left (last friday). The Mummers were a little late so I was greeting the costumed fairies who entered the playground with bubbles & was surrounded by little ones jumping & yelling "bubbles" -- it was quite handy and i blew them in the parade to the garden and to the Hall of Philosophy where we learned a LOT about being a Mummer, a lifelong intense commitment. :>) Thanks to Jim! jb

deja vu said...

i looked at these pics more closely. i already taught all these students. :>)