Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Adventures in Longarm Quilting Continues

Wow--can't believe that I've missed posting for almost eight weeks! I have some catch-up to do!

I haven't posted the results of my third day of quilting with my friend's longarm until now as it was a surprise for a special young mariner in our lives. But it's been handed on now so thought I would share my first large piece--took me most of one day to quilt, with lots of new 'learning' in the process (translation: well that didn't work, now what do I do?).

In the end, I was pleased with the way it came out, and I'm finally starting to feel like I might be able to control the machine rather than the other way around!

In the effort to use up pieces that didn't make it into the front, rather than have them languish in the scrap bin I pieced several strips for the back--it was fun & felt like a good 'recycling' effort! I took the quilt to my four day retreat & did the binding there--and that was about the only place I could find wall space big enough to photograph it.

I definitely need to improve my picture taking skills! Jim got me a new camera for my b-day & it was like starting all over again with the digital confusion!

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