Thursday, May 20, 2010

30th Anniversary

This week has included a broad showcase of the Mt. St. Helen's eruption as it's the 30 year anniversary. I have to say--I've learned a lot more with all of the special coverage, articles, and films.

Most any north-westerner can tell you where they were when it happened. I don't have that perspective as I was still in Arizona. I had been accepted to grad school & was set to move in August. My phone started ringing that day--and continued for several days--as local friends were sure I would reconsider my plans; and if I didn't I should have my head examined!

One of the pieces I liked best is still available on-line. It's a Nova segment "Back From the Dead" that does a great job of 'then & now'. It covers the remarkable learning that's taken place as studies have continued. It also includes the eruptions that have taken place since then--which are almost as dramatic & unbelievable.

Local coverage has tailed onto the Mt. St. Helen's focus with special highlight of Mt. Ranier--also a sleeping potential. The outcome from a similar event in that location would be so much more devastating due to it's proximity to urban areas. May she continue to slumber for a few more centuries!

1 comment:

jb said...

i was sleeping in a bag on whidbey island at a park in oak harbor and it was bang bnag bang in my ear! j