Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Heroine & the Wacko--or Martha Mitchell Lives!

How ironic that Anita Hill has suddenly surfaced in the news again--she's really been on my mind these last weeks and it turns out, I wasn't the only one!  I'm sure you've heard by now that Virginia Thomas--wife of our infamous Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas--left an early Saturday morning message over a week ago for Anita Hill (now a law professor at Brandeis University), suggesting that she apologize to him (them)...nineteen years later.
I think that Ginni Thomas has it backwards--it's long overdue for Clarence Thomas to come clean with his sleaze factor and apologize to Anita--and the rest of us.  About the only thing positive about this story is that an old girlfriend of Clarence has come forward in defense of Anita Hill, saying the behavior she had described was very consistent with the Clarence she knew in those days.

Anita was, and continues to be, a true heroine in my eyes.  She stood by her convictions in the face of horrible press & fame, never wavered from her testimony in the face of unbelievable odds, and was grace-under-pressure personified.

In sharp contrast, Ginni Thomas was--and it turns out continues to be--a sour, loose-lipped spouse.  The pit bull of the duet.  She is now the CEO of 'Liberty Central' taking in unbelievable amounts of money in an attempt to 'better organize' the Tea Party movement--or in their words " the blessings of Freedom.".  It's one of the 'corporations-make-person' by the recent supreme court decision, a 501(c)(4). (No conflict there, right?) Their website has a video with a down-home Clarence Thomas lookalike (and likely one of the few black faces in their midst) fear-mongering the apparent movement towards a 'European-like social democracy that must be stopped'.  (OMG!--how scary is that image--helping the have-nots!)
Also turns out that Anita is not the only person receiving out-of-the-blue phone calls getting suggestive direction from the girl who think she knows best.  But ya don't suppose that Ginni's cheap shot at Anita Hill is just one more way to rally attention for the wacko factor, do ya?  It made me go looking for their website, unfortunately, and I'm guessing I'm not alone.  (Or maybe she is just another Martha Mitchell:  a little too much substance on board, Clarence isn't home when expected, so let's just make a call for old times sake...that, at least, would make a possible excuse for her outrageous behavior.)

In any case, Anita continues to be a model for all of us--taking the higher road but exposing the unacceptable.  Way to go!

1 comment:

DonnaT said...

Thanks, Judy, for the info on this. As soon as I saw the headline "Clarence Thomas' wife demands apology from Anita Hill" I knew there was obviously a motive behind it. Nineteen years and she's just now asking -- Ginni Thomas must have read the book that said "there is no 'bad' publicity, it's all good if your name gets out there." Amazing how people like Ginni Thomas find new causes to champion -- or old causes with a new name.