Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wednesday on Whidbey

Impressive afternoon spring clouds--on a rare day the blue sky is visible!
Remember when you would try to decide what the fluff looked like?


Anonymous said...

As a lifelong Peanuts devotee, do you remember the famous strip in which Linus and Charlie Brown are lying on their backs staring at the puffy clouds and trying to decide what they look like? Linus says he can make out a map of British Honduras, the portrait of a famous painter, and a depiction of the stoning of Stephen. He asks Charlie Brown what he sees, and CB replies, "I was going to say I see a duckie and a horsey, but I changed my mind." :-} Alice

Judith said...

One of my all time favorites from a long list of Peanuts favs...! Thanks for the reminder! 8-)