Friday, October 21, 2011

Who's My Mother?

Yesterday, I was sitting at my computer lost in thought when that instant adrenaline-surge arrived with an incredible 'bang' behind me.
"What was that?!"
A look out the window revealed this poor visitor--on her feet but clearly dazed.  It took a few minutes, but she finally flew off...I'm sure with her little heart going pit-a-pat just like mine!
We've had some interesting little flocks going through lately with the weather change--stripping off the berries,  seeds or bugs of choice & then moving on. Hopefully she found her tribe...
Don't know what she is, though, do you? About the size of a big robin, with a great tail.


Half Irish/Full Lore said...

If you are Irish, I know what she is. Take a deep breath.

Be wary said...