Sunday, December 21, 2008

Much to be Thankful for!

Wow--this month is really scooting by! So many events since posting last.
We had a great Thanksgiving holiday--lots of food, family fun, and relaxation was had by all.
Thanks to everyone who traveled so far to be together for a brief time. It was great to catch up, share news & hugs, and play awhile. I love it when we have enough on hand to put the leaf in the table!
It was our first chance to see the 'newlyweds', Joe & Amy--that was a treat. The wedding quilt had just come off the quilting machine before their arrival.

So we 'presented' it, but I wasn't able to send it to it's new home quite yet, as it still needed binding, a hanging sleeve (just in case...) and a label. Those tasks are almost finished so it will be mailed very soon after Christmas--sorry guys!
Just a note about the quilt: it's a one-block-wonder creation (the lower right panel is the original fabric). It went together much better in the 'trip-tic' format and was much fun to design. My friend, Arlene, quilted it--and did some great work; there's even a little quilted crane in the lower left side!

We're gearing up for the next holiday fun fest--it will be here before we know it!

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