Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Christmas in July

My special little round robin group, the Hambones, is gathering this week for our annual "Christmas in July" potluck lunch & party. A few years ago we started drawing names & making gifts for each other in the summer. It's been a fun annual event & nice not to have the 'gift' stress at the holiday time.

This year, I thought I had a 'lucky' draw as Linda is so easy going & likes everything--but I've not been to her house, and her personal stash of fabric & quilts is legendary. It was a little harder than I guessed coming up with a plan--but I finally settled on a cool duffel bag pattern that I found at the library (gotta love all the check out possibilities!).

The pattern left a fair amount to imagination & ingenuity, but in the end I liked how it came out. It has three outside pockets and one inside, too. Measures about 20" wide, 12" high & 11" across (at the bottom). I fell in love with this fabric set when I found it. Here's hoping Linda likes it, too!

1 comment:

j said...

very high end. it'd sell for like $49 as a steal. it is nicer than that current label...you'd have to limit production and make it fast! xo, j