Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Remainder of Long Arm Day #7

Here are the other three finished items from this week's day at the long arm studio. You should be able to click on photos to enlarge, if you're interested  (I don't know why sometimes you can, & sometimes you can't get them to enlarge...)
This community quilt was made by someone else & needed to be quilted & bound--40" x 64". It's ready to head out to it's new home.

This was a community quilt that's been in the to-do pile (& on the UFO list).  It started with the freebie garden blocks that seemed cute when I acquired them some time ago. I thought they would make for an interesting something, sometime.
The left-overs went on the back--I couldn't resist including the strips that say "flowers are our constant friends".  It will make a nice snuggly for someone at 45" x 60".

The third item bears a little explanation. Our quilt guild has been doing community quilts for "Quilts of Valor" for some time and I had yet to contribute. Quilts need to be within a size range & also red, white & blue--anyone who knows my preferences in fabric, knows that's a bit of a stretch for me.  Once again, I agreed to take a bunch of left-overs from some previous projects & so inherited (too many) red, white & blue 2 1/2" squares plus some kind of funky white linen squares. I also pulled a bunch of stuff from my stash to come up with this scrappy item, measuring 51" x 67". I have plenty enough to make another one, when I figure out a design. I'm slowly getting a little bolder with my quilting as I gain better control. I freehanded stars on this one--and only one or two looked drunken!
Quilts of Valor is a national endeavor by quilters to get a quilt to every injured retuning vet from Iraq or Afghanistan--and unfortunately, it's become a long term commitment. So far, over 28,000 quilts have been provided... *sigh*  

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