Monday, June 28, 2010

Pretty in Purple

When I was in LA earlier this month, many of us enjoyed these purple flowering trees that seemed to be everywhere. Asked several people there: "what are those?"
Lots of shrugs & I dunno's.
Not to worry! My better half has lots of tree books--I'll just look it up when I get home. *sigh* Tree books are a lot like dictionaries: gotta have something more to go on than 'purple flowers' it turns out.
I had pretty much given up when a good friend here, formerly from that area, finally clued me in.
A jacaranda.
Mystery solved...


j in pa said...

la jacaranda, la jacaranda
running up & down the street...

sung to the tune of.
Thanks! jb

J and B in P said...

hi, To match the beauty of this flowering tree picture, we will reimburse but do request the following items be present at your home upon our visit:
1. one foam board - we can cut it to size
2. rustoleum spray paint cans: white, black, medium blue, yellow
3. glossy advertising magazines from post office trash can
4. gather one longer and one short straight edge from local painter friends/any material even plastic

j and b in P