Thursday, August 5, 2010

Craft Fair Day Out

A couple of weeks ago I got a call from someone at my old workplace wondering that 'even though I had joined the ranks of former employees, didn't I maybe want to still participate in the annual craft fair that goes on the same day as the employee picnic?'  Pretty please?
In previous years I've had much fun at this event--so I gladly accepted.  It was good motivation to finish up some projects that had been underway--but not necessarily with a near-term purpose.  I had a long arm day already lined up so it was a good excuse to finish up these items & also try some new approaches on the long arm.
Yesterday was the event & I did enjoy my day--saw many old friends, caught up on some news, & sold over $400 of items. Not a bad way to spend a nice, sunny day! It's clear that we are all being more thrifty consumers these days, so I felt fortunate.  I always take some of Jim's bowls, too, which are quite a crowd pleaser--even though few were purchased this time.
It takes some organizational skills (that I quickly forget) to get things together for such.  So I'm thinking that now I am organized & remembering the process--I might schedule a table at the Farmer's Market harvest fest (last market of the season) & play merchant one more day before the season is over.
Here are the table runners (seven of 'em, front & back) & six placemats that I finished up on day #8 in the long arm studio  (all are reversible).


Amy said...

$400 in sales sounds quite impressive. Way to go!

a faithful reader said...

what % were yours? did you sell all 7 and all placemats? way'd go!
beeutiful...j a faithful reader

Donna T said...

Love that purple table runner and your fabric on the placemats is beautiful. I need to get back to Arlene's. Time and money - that's all I need more of. :-}

Donna T