Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Newbie = Novice or Newcomer

Progress:  today I met my new co-workers (should be a great group!), got my office assigned (very nice), my computer log-in, keys...  and brought home an impressive pile of reading--the first of many like it!  8-}  Go back on Friday for a brief meeting to divvy up the class schedule.  'Official' start still about a month away, but nice to have some time to get acclimated.
Four different programs with four different student cohorts--all starting fall quarter.  (There is a two year cycle for many, and this is the year to start the 'new' groups.)  Also the quarter to start new text books, too.
So count me in the list of 'new', too--trying not to have eyes too wide!  Stay tuned...


wing it said...

i have stuff. xo, j

Brittany said...

Good luck! I hope my teachers next quarter are as wonderful as I know you'll be!

not a tyrod said...

newbie = Tyrod
