Sunday, December 4, 2011


Such a fun word to say!
Recently we were having a minor chat about Starlings--you know: what's the difference (if any) between US & UK variety, the love/hate cycle with them, etc. 
So while I was snooping the internet for useless bits of information I happened upon this little gem on Vimeo (but the YouTube version is the one I could embed...).

You may well have already seen this, but if not it's a very fun couple of minutes if you have them to spare! (make your screen full-size 1st tho...)

We've seen much smaller versions on the island while waiting for the ferry--but big enough to get your attention & make you wonder what the heck is going on. Hard to imagine an encounter this large & this close!
Per snooping done since I first saw this, the general response seems to be: can't figure it out, can't model it, speeds exceed 20mph at times, and...'no starlings were harmed in the filming of this video!'

1 comment:

mentee said...

did you get a bday present in one piece from penna? jb