Monday, October 27, 2008

I Voted . . .

We don't have the benefit of going to the polls this year...all the ballots are mail in this time. I always look forward to the trip--place to see everyone, get a sense of how busy or not the day has been so far, etc.--and getting my sticker! Will have to 'award' myself this time. Mail-in ballots do give the advantage of open-book answers, though, so there is some benefit to that--less 'point-and-shoot' by many I think. Anyway--don't forget to do the same, whether it's November 5th or before...

1 comment:

Amy said...

Joe and I were just talking about how we always look forward to wearing our sticker with pride.

Thanks for the food links. I can't wait to check them out! I get lots of recipes from my friends (especially, Real Simple and the growing number of cookbooks I own but I have so much fun purusing recipes especially online.