Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Palin Pranks

Wow, less than two weeks to go & the pressure seems to be building. Or maybe it's just my internal pressure cooker with 'anxiety' on high--what will become of us November 4th? The electoral college projections now have Obama with a 2:1 lead but I can't quite adjust to the fact that we may actually win this thing.
So--with that in mind, I'm easily distracted into 'let's play with Sarah' land--it's just so easy! (I'm thinking the McCain campaign would have done better hiring Tina Fey for the last two months--she's better at Sarah than Sarah!) I'm amused at the flurry over the RNC spending $150 K to dress the 'hockey mom' for the road--and especially at McCain saying 'it's not important; we'll be donating the wardrobe to charity'. Somehow, I think a street person wouldn't view Sarah's ensembles as the best road gear available. (Are they thinking they will be museum pieces?!)
So with that little whirlwind in mind, I just LOVE this picture of Sarah in Nevada with her patriotic scarf; do you think she hasn't learned her animals yet? Come on people, this is truly embarrassing...even from the other side of the ticket! Gotta love it though! And if I were Sarah, I'd keep having fun while it lasts, because going home to her ever deepening quagmire must look pretty sobering. Troopergate is expanding, there's been some 'let's impeach' efforts, and now she's getting nailed for allowing the state of Alaska to pay for her kids' travels-along-with-mom.
So, meanwhile let's keep fighting the good fight--we can't let up now. EVERYONE has to vote. Estimates are this will be the highest voter turnout any of us will have experienced in our lifetime. Bring it on! I'm hoping I (and you) will sleep better come November 5th...

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