Friday, February 5, 2010

The Crock Pot

I had an opportunity in December to spend more time cooking & baking for a change--which was great while the boys were here. It was fun to pull out some old family favorites for the holidays--as well as try some new recipe adventures. (One of those: the triple ginger cookies were a big hit! The recipe was from one of my favorite blogs: 101 Cookbooks.)

During that time, we acknowledged the demise of our old slow cooker--not something I've used alot, but I've appreciated having one around despite the space it occupies. After New Years, my friend Meg came to work & announced that she had a never-out-of-the-box Crock Pot in need of a home. I quickly raised my hand & offered adoption. It has many nice features--but Jim & I agreed: it looks sort of like Darth Vader sitting there on the counter!

Since then, I've had fun looking up slow cooker recipes that we might like for 'new recipe night' auditions. We also have several roasts, chops, etc. in the freezer that need to be used. So, here was the maiden voyage of the Crock Pot--and the pork roast & veggies result. May not look that great here but was tasty--& will know better 'to do's' next time. We're not big meat eaters, so I've been looking for some veggie, or not-so-much-meat recipes for future trials.
We'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I love using the crock pot. The meal usually takes so little effort but tastes so good!