Monday, February 15, 2010

Monthly Square in a Square Project - Revisited

OK--I think it's time to catch up on projects, challenges, UFO's, etc. So interspersed with some other posts, I'm going to provide some brief peeks into what's been up in 9 months. (I'm not quite ready to start talking about "life-without-work" yet; soon hopefully.)

You may remember I had a monthly challenge going--three items randomly chosen to be portrayed in a small (about 9 x 11) art quilt, with the theme of the project being some form of square-in-a-square. The original idea was to complete one monthly--but I fell sorely behind as the year wore on. Here were the first four that have already been posted previously.
I do hope to finish the project, even though it's now 2010. Meanwhile, I'll be sharing the completed ones to bring us up to date.

Here was the fifth assignment:
color - warm
content/subject - numbers (there are two ways to count to four)
technique - cut/split ('wonky') piecing

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